Welcome to Montefalco, the railing of Umbria, so called for its 360° panorama. The name of the town recalls the presence of Frederik II and his hawks, inseparabile companions of the hunt. The Umbria of the Saints will let you discover another Saint Clare, a strong and determined mystical woman who rests in the church dedicated to her. The attraction of Montefalco and its agriculture has always been linked to Sagrantino, that ‘red gold’ born in the Middle Ages thanks to the Franciscans who imported the vine from Asia Minor. A wine that began as a passito for liturgical use and then became an excellent table wine. Sagrantino delightes the palate and enchants the eyes because in autumn the vineyards are lit up with red leaves. For foto enthusiasts this is an unmissable occasion. And again, thanks to the Franciscans, Montefalco preserves a cycle of frescoes that narrate the life of St. Francis in renaissance style, with bright colours and unusual settings.